Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kids TV Confuses Me.

I spend a decent amount of my life watching kids TV shows with my 5 year old. I wonder about a lot of the stuff I watch and would like to know what you guys think

1 On the Wonder Pets, how do the animals in trouble know the phone number to call?
2 On the Baby Looney Tunes all of the characters wear diapers except for Little Taz. You would think he would be the hardest one to toilet train.
3 If there is a crowd of kids on Sesame Street, how come you never see a white male kid unless he is in a wheelchair?
4 Who is going to come out of the closet first? Leo from Little Einsteins or Ruby from Max and Ruby? (BTW that Bunny Scout leader looks like a real bull-dyke)
5 Why does Franklin the turtle wear a bike helmet but no clothes? For that matter why do Little Bear's parents wear clothes but he is naked?
6 are those rumors about Dora's mom and Boot's the monkey true?
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Friday, April 30, 2010

rate my joke

The state of Louisiana is going to declare a state of emergency over the oil spill. To prepare, people in New Orleans are practicing looting Walmarts.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Worlds Tallest Midget

Am expression that I use quite often is "the worlds tallest midget". I decided to come up with a few variations on that expression that mean the same thing, but use different metaphors, so as not to seem like I am picking on little people. Here is my list, I would like to see my audience add a few

1. The prettiest Jewish feminist.
2 The laziest Asian (actually he is a reader you know who you are).
3 The Sicilian who is quickest to forgive and forget.
4 The most honest Russian businessman.
5 The cleanest bathroom in a kosher pizza store.
6 The most mentally stable day trader (I know who that isn't)

Im sure you guys have some more to add.